Sunday, February 22, 2009

Native Americans

Native americans r my life me and my family joined a tribe like 2 yrs ago. evr snce thn inds r my life! that y i hav indn musc pics an stff

Friday, June 27, 2008

Summer School

My favorite part about summer school was the teachers . I love the teachers. And i love how Mrs. Taylor gives us journals every day to wright . Since summer school is over =( , I will be stuck at daycare all day for 10 hours. Well ive had fun at summer school . This has been an amazing experience, but i guess its over. Ill miss all of my friends that i got to meet and play with. Including Sabrina, Gennisis, Kelly, Ashely, Devin, Jimmy, Alan, Noah, Chris, and Brandon. I will miss all of the teachers and students. I will be really sad. 1 thing you could do to make this place better would to leave it the way it is. 9:01 p.m Friday june 27, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fishing and some other boring stuff

Fishing is like so awsome. But kinda boring because u like have to sit and wait allll the time like thats not cool so any way how was ur day yea fun huu huu yea my day was fun to yea yano. HA HA yea not funny. SOOOOOO. what do i want to say yea haha dont no woopdi do woopdi do do da day do da day yea sry peeps im hipper today yea ........... 9:41 A.M saturday june 14

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Do u no about sims? well if u dont its an awsome game. u can do almost any thing that u do in real life that is if u buy special additions to the sims game. They come in computers, play stations, x box, game cube, and nentindo ds's. But , now this is my oppinion but, the computer is the best. You can buy them at Target, well about any game store. Well hope u get one and are happy with it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Wolfs are amazing animals. They come out in the night. One time i was at my aunt and uncles house they live back in the woods. All my cousins and i howled like a wolf and the wolfs howled back. I thought that was the coolist thing evr. My fav animals are wolfs and bears. I thnk there so amazing. My first time at a pow wow i seen alot of wolf acsesories, including a wolf head and chest carved into a piece of wood made into a slingshot, wolf necklaces, wolf skin, and even wolf heads made on the top of a walking stick.